Website Design
OnePlusOne Solutions provided a website redesign and high end illustrations for an AI and robotics company.
Berkshire Grey is a pioneer in transformative,AI-enabled robotic solutions to automate online order fulfillment and store replenishment operations for leading retail, eCommerce, grocery, 3PL, and package handling companies.
Based on the client’s brand identity and requirements, our team has produced high-fidelity designs for the website’s pages that are up to modern standards. To accompany the new UX/UI, we have created a number ofisometric illustrations and animations that demonstrate the client’s products.
OnePlusOne Solutions worked with client Ankr to design and develop their corporate website and reinvent their brand with a fresh identity supported by isometric graphics, custom icons, and motion design. The project represents the ongoing relationship between OnePlusOne and Ankr, with the complex web project being a continuation of past projects that have included prior design and development work.
Leveraging our creative talent we were able to execute the brand optimization with new concepts and colors that would guide elements of the website UI design, while our UX experts got to work designing a functional and intuitive multi-page website. Once approved, our developers moved forward with the build, launch, and QA.
Mobe3 Live hired OnePlusOne Solutions as an external resource to redesign EVS’ main product, mobe3 WMS. This cloud-based warehouse management system was in need of fresh UX/UI designs and features that were on par with a similar mobile application project, mobe3 Live, that our company had recently completed for EVS.
Due to a quickly approaching launch date and a shortened timeline, our team immediately got to work on our UX/UI improvements, ideating and designing the features and functionalities, and improving existing app features.
Due to a quickly approaching launch date and a shortened timeline, our team immediately got to work on our UX/UI improvements, ideating and designing the features and functionalities, and improving existing app features.
We implemented experimental motion animation on the starter screen, which fosters an illusion of the flight through the digital environment.
Most of our projects begin with stakeholder interviews, and mobe3 Live was no exception. This essential part of our work process provides valuable insight into the needs and expectations of both our clients and the end users.
User Personas represent target users for the product that we were able to determine through interviews, research, and audits of user data. Our UX designers can then make informed design decisions and create compelling, user-friendly products tailored to the needs of specific user groups.
We designed interaction schemes between pages and interface elements of the product. We create product models and mockups for testing and feedback from users. This allows us to better understand how the product will function and look, and make necessary changes before its final release.
The UX assignment for mobe3 WMS included a number of UX/UI solutions that would greatly improve the way users interact with the application. Our key areas of focus for improving the application.
We establish the initial visual direction with mood boards and design inspiration. Our main objective is to create a UI that aligns with Apple Human Interface Guidelines.
For this project we prioritized making the app look clean and intuitive, which was in line with the preferred direction of the client.
When working on a project’s UI design, we always start with a design system-the collection of reusable design components such as color schemes, typography, icons, graphics, and rules for using these components.
The approach of establishing a design system first, significantly speeds up the development process and reduces costs by allowing brand components to be standardized and readily used.
Our understanding of the needs and preferences of each user persona and our information architecture, were tools that informed us of opportunities for improvements and empowered us to make suggestions for new features and functionalities.
The improvements were translated directly through client KPIs and ROIs. As an example, mobe3 Live allowed users to respond 8 seconds faster to production line issues, which in turn saved the company $2,000,000 annually in revenue loss.
Our collaboration with EVS LLC didn't end here. After the successful app launch, we continued our relationship by working on the UX/UI revamp of their WMS product, and then signed on as a partner to create marketing materials for the company.
During and after our collaboration with EVS LLC on the mobe3 Live and mobe3 WMS redesign projects, OnePlusOne was brought on in another area of the business to assist the EVS marketing department by producing a range of graphic design deliverables. Our creative department was quickly onboarded to the project, and as we were already familiarized with brand guidelines and art styles, we were able to get started creating new content quickly and efficiently.
The engagement was ongoing, with OnePlusOne fulfilling the need for a variety of graphic design services throughout 2022.
Our deliverables for this graphic design project included 2D and 3D illustrations for use in user guides, marketing decks, advertisements, and across social media. Accuracy was vital, and our team needed to create technically accurate depictions of the devices and processes, as well as precise illustrations of warehouse managers and workers utilizing the products and technology.
Our deliverables for this graphic design project included 2D and 3D illustrations for use in user guides, marketing decks, advertisements, and across social media.
Accuracy was vital, and our team needed to create technically accurate depictions of the devices and processes, as well as precise illustrations of warehouse managers and workers utilizing the products and technology. Our team collaborated closely with the client to ensure that our designs of each of these elements were a faithful depiction.
Most of EVS LLC’s marketing documents rely heavily on the isometric perspective of a product which is one of our team’s specialty capabilities. Most of EVS LLC’s marketing documents rely heavily on the isometric perspective of a product which is one of our team’s specialty capabilities.
Our illustrations included various iPhone and iPad cases graded for different environments and user roles, barcode scanners, and wireless beacons. We ensured that the device illustrations were as precise as possible.
We created isometric graphics and digital prototypes of Estimotes, the rock-shaped Bluetooth beacons utilized by EVS to track high-value assets. We were able to artistically and accurately produce these graphics with their numerous facets with great success.
Our team collaborated closely with the client to ensure that our designs of each of these elements were a faithful depiction.
Most of EVS LLC’s marketing documents rely heavily on the isometric perspective of a product which is one of our team’s specialty capabilities.
Our illustrations included various iPhone and iPad cases graded for different environments and user roles, barcode scanners, and wireless beacons. We ensured that the device illustrations were as precise as possible.
We created isometric graphics and digital prototypes of Estimotes, the rock-shaped Bluetooth beacons utilized by EVS to track high-value assets. We were able to artistically and accurately produce these graphics with their numerous facets with great success.
Our final deliverables followed best practices in terms of design and structure, which were able to be easily passed on and repurposed for animation which our team tackled in the next phase of the project.
Some elements of the functionality mobe3 Live and mobe3 WMS offer were best represented with motion rather than a static image, so demonstrating them and their use cases with animation was our next step. Our team created videos that highlighted the key features and advantages of the products.
Using designs from previous phases, we were able to produce several banner ads created with the goal of appealing to the clients’ target audience.
By the end of the engagement we had created a set of illustrations, animations, isometric graphics, digital 3D prototypes, and ad banners that were used by EVS LLC’s marketing team across a number of different channels.
The deliverables closely followed the brand guidelines and desired direction for the art, while also improving the existing visual style, offering better product representation. The final result was versatile, high-end content that highlighted the unique and innovative products, and elevated the presentation of both the brand and their technology.
Ankr provides a computation-resource-efficient blockchain and an integrated data feed system leveraging both cryptographic primitives and trusted hardware.
Sophisticated and branded graphic components elevate many aspects of website design. We created from scratch eye-catchy informational and navigational elements, that draw the users’ attention in the right direction and help them manipulate the website information.
The roadmap timeline provides a glance into Ankr’s key milestones and accomplishments, and insight into the company trajectory. This section’s design was complimented by left-right navigation buttons that clearly and comprehensively laid out the highlighted information.
We created custom icons for the Ankr corporate website that would compliment both the optimized brand identity and the UX/UI of the site. The icons supported the information on the page, and were designed to help communicate features of the product.
To enhance elements of the website our team produced premium motion graphics using the Ankr logo for inspiration. The design elements of sharp edges and meaningful geometry inspired us through our conceptualization of the value-adding motion graphics.
Following this we developed the visual effect of the consistent movement of geographical planes that resulted in elegant motion and smooth transitions.
With mobile us being a primary method of viewing websites, we always prioritize clean, adaptive design for optimized viewing on any screen size. The Ankr site will always load and display in a format that fits the device it is viewed on.
mobe3 Live is a breakthrough in Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) functioning as the world’s first application to use Apple Indoor Maps in an enterprise environment. The technology allows precise tracking of employee and asset positioning without the need for equipment installation. For this project, OnePlusOne worked to ensure that the app is not only user-friendly, but fully compliant with Apple Human Interface guidelines.
OnePlusOne was selected among several other design studios and specialists to create the final UX/UI designs for mobe3 Live prior to production.
The existing app designs were unrefined and unfit for release due to counterintuitive designs that made it difficult to navigate. UX standards for user behavior patterns were not adhered to, inhibiting accessibility and key functionalities.
We performed an initial analysis of the application, identified problems, and created new UX/UI designs that took the user pain points and heuristics into consideration. We suggested several important updates for expanding functionality, and updated the app’s visual style, layout, and design.
One of the key areas of focus for our team was improving the overall user experience of the app by understanding how it is used and evaluating the current limitations impacting usability. This helped us determine the need for new and updated functionalities and developing the information architecture.
Most of our projects begin with stakeholder interviews, and mobe3 Live was no exception. This essential part of our work process provides valuable insight into the needs and expectations of both our clients and the end users.
User Personas represent target users for the product that we were able to determine through interviews, research, and audits of user data. Our UX designers can then make informed design decisions and create compelling, user-friendly products tailored to the needs of specific user groups.
This crucial step of building out the information architecture acts as a basis that grants us a precise understanding of how users will interact with the product, and steps we can take to improve overall user experience.
We design the interaction schemes for all pages and interface elements of the product. Our process involves presenting and refining product mockups during client review, and adjusting according to client feedback and our knowledge of best practices.
We establish the initial visual direction with mood boards and design inspiration. Our main objective is to create a UI that aligns with Apple Human Interface Guidelines.
For this project we prioritized making the app look clean and intuitive, which was in line with the preferred direction of the client.
When working on a project’s UI design, we always start with a design system-the collection of reusable design components such as color schemes, typography, icons, graphics, and rules for using these components.
The approach of establishing a design system first, significantly speeds up the development process and reduces costs by allowing brand components to be standardized and readily used.
Our UX/UI design for the mobe3 Live application greatly improved the user experience, accessibility, and functionality of the app.
The upgraded look and feel was on par with the Apple references provided by the client, and the app was prepared and finalized for on-time release.
The improvements were translated directly through client KPIs and ROIs. As an example, mobe3 Live allowed users to respond 8 seconds faster to production line issues, which in turn saved the company $2,000,000 annually in revenue loss.
Our collaboration with EVS LLC didn't end here. After the successful app launch, we continued our relationship by working on the UX/UI revamp of their WMS product, and then signed on as a partner to create marketing materials for the company.
The improvements were translated directly through client KPIs and ROIs. As an example, mobe3 Live allowed users to respond 8 seconds faster to production line issues, which in turn saved the company $2,000,000 annually in revenue loss.
Our collaboration with EVS LLC didn't end here. After the successful app launch, we continued our relationship by working on the UX/UI revamp of their WMS product, and then signed on as a partner to create marketing materials for the company.
We have also created the hazy green animation that would later be used as the website background.
The main theme was light to follow the brand identity.
But we also created a dark theme as an alternative. It will improve visual ergonomics by reducing eye strain, adjusting brightness to current lighting conditions, and facilitating screen use in dark environments.
There is a placeholder text.
Amen created a feature-rich website focused on the company’s tech products, according to “we are making cloud computing revolution, not just developing another app“ approach.
Our creative team worked their heart out in order to develop a unique concept:
Ankr develops infrastructure for deploying any blockchain node easy, accessible, affordable and instantly distributed across the globe.
Algorithmic schemes made easy to take in. Subsequently, we included some isometric graphics to help website visitors easily perceive the savvy content. Block-schemes speak more than words.
Have a look at the convenient and efficient roadmap. No unnecessary details and nitty-gritty, only the main stuff.
Usually, team sections on websites are huge, heavy-footed and occupy a lot of space. We strived to make the team section compact, informative, and convenient. Presently, it serves as an attractor, not as a distractor.
We implemented experimental motion animation on the starter screen, which fosters an illusion of the flight through the digital environment.
This vides associates with the new birth, with the launch of the new era, and with an endless journey.
With the incredible popularity and the wide range of mobile devices, as designers, we need to adapt to the variety of screen sizes. From the gigantic corporate monitor to the smartwatch, everywhere Ankr website looks superb. Literally everywhere.
We developed UX/UI design for several projects: a dashboard, and an e-commerce. Our team creates the most user-friendly and intuitive interface that enhances the user experience. We also considered the Cad and the Dandy brand identity to ensure a consistent style and branding across all platforms. As a result of our work, the client received effective tools for managing their business and improving sales.
The request from Cad and the Dandy was to develop a modern, intuitive, and user-friendly an administrative panel for managing orders.
An administrative panel was developed, which allows for managing orders, adding new products, editing existing ones, and getting information about sales and customers.
We implemented experimental motion animation on the starter screen, which fosters an illusion of the flight through the digital environment.
Personas are fictional representations of target users, created based on research and user data. They help UX designers make informed design decisions and create effective, user-friendly products tailored to the needs of specific user groups.
We designed interaction schemes between pages and interface elements of the product. We create product models and mockups for testing and feedback from users. This allows us to better understand how the product will function and look, and make necessary changes before its final release.
We began by establishing the visual direction with mood boards and design inspiration. Our main objective was to create a UI that was in line with the client's requirement to follow human interface guidelines.
A design system is a collection of reusable design components such as color schemes, typography, icons, graphics, and rules for using these components
It helps to speed up the development process and reduce costs by allowing for the reuse of ready-made components and templates.
Our understanding of the needs and preferences of each user persona and our information architecture, were tools that informed us of opportunities for improvements and empowered us to make suggestions for new features and functionalities.
The mobe3 Live functionality was expanded based on our recommendations, which improved the user experience with features that included:
Since the launch, both users and the client have reported their appreciation of the unprecedented visibility and ease of use the new app offers.
The improvements were translated directly through client KPIs and ROI. For example, mobe3 Live allowed users to respond 8 seconds faster to production line issues, which in turn saved the company $2,000,000 annually.
Create a completely unique Snoop Dogg game from concept to delivery, that could be built on existing mechanics, and successfully bring Snoop into the Roobet Universe by capturing his persona in an illustrative style.
We presented Snoop’s Hotbox to the client, suggesting a crash-style game, where users bet on the length of Snoop’s drags from an earth-shattering blunt that takes users on a journey through a Snoop Dogg-themed universe.
Designing the game began with conception followed by illustration, creating game assets, and animation. First we had to bring Snoop into the Roobet universe by capturing his unique image in an illustrative style that would set the theme for the rest of the design work.
We evolved 'Crash' into a unique Snoop Dogg-themed experience, where bets are placed on the length of his blunt drags. Comprised of over 11 million pixels, numerous parallax backgrounds are populated with global landmarks and hidden easter eggs, adding layers of fun and replayability to Hotbox.
Creating game assets involved designing and refining a UI kit of visual elements like buttons and icons, and using digital tools to ensure consistency with the game's theme. Our landscapes take players around a world of fun surprises as Snoop takes hits of his blunt.
We added lots of playful animation to further enhance the experience. The game centers on Snoop Dogg’s "breaking news” providing entertaining updates while his remarkably long blunt encircles the globe. Capturing narrative and the crash game concept, we designed the gameplay to resemble a live news broadcast—complete with multiple camera angles and a scrolling ticker of headlines.
-Snoop Dogg